Thursday, March 26, 2020

Are There All The Essential Concepts In PK Chemistry?

Are There All The Essential Concepts In PK Chemistry?The power of practical knowledge in the world of PK Chemistry lies in the ability to know what to do and what not to do. Practical knowledge allows you to be able to address the issues that you should focus on for the PK Chemistry course. Such knowledge is essential to success.With just a few basic approaches to the classroom that you can teach and apply in the classroom, you can create a level of safety in the PK Chemistry classroom that is hard to find. You can have fun along the way. This is only possible when you know the right concepts that can help you create a learning environment that will facilitate the correct approach to the subject of PK Chemistry.One of the most critical concepts you should know is the idea of a 'no' answer. You should always say no to the question and you should be aware of when to say yes and when to say no. This is a very important concept to learn and the concept can be used by you to your advantag e in the PK Chemistry classroom.A recent study found that the simplest course is not the only one to teach, and if you plan to try your hand at teaching, you should at least know the basics of what is needed to teach a class. An understanding of the basics is the gateway to what other courses are needed.Some fundamental concepts in the chemical sciences are those that focus on the reaction process. These are the most important and they are the most overlooked in the science curriculum. Without knowing about them, a new student may never achieve their goals in the class.Some concepts are not bad at all but if they are not taught or if they are given to a person in a classroom with a bad understanding of them, it is a good idea to avoid them completely. Some of the vital concepts to know are materials or reactions, chemistry fundamentals, and the proper and appropriate use of the scientific method. These are all skills that can be taught with just a few changes to a few of the basic c oncepts of the chemical sciences.You can do this with the aid of a course that focuses on the core concepts and uses the concepts to create a working knowledge of the science of PK Chemistry. You can start teaching this course with some fundamental learning, follow this information and you can help create a successful PK Chemistry education.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The United States Elections - English Listening Exercise

The United States Elections - English Listening Exercise So, unless you live somewhere without electricity or internet service (in which case, how are you reading this?) youll have heard the the United States reelected President Barack Obama to a second term.As is the tradition in the United States, (and most countries that elect their politicians, I imagine) the president gave a victory speech. Weve decided to create a listening exercise out of it for you.Here is the video of his speech. Youll find questions below.After you listen, try to answer the questions below. If you write your answers in comments, we will correct them.What does Obama talk about perfecting at the beginning of the speech?We have ____ ourselves __, we have _____ our way ____ , and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America, the ____ is ___ to ____.Why does he say, By the way, we have to fix that at about 4:40?Whether you ______ the pavement or ____ __ the phone.What does first phrasal verb in question 5 mean?I have always believed that hope is ___ ___ __ ____ ____ ___ ___ _____, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us.What do you think of the elections? What do you think they mean for your country? Melanie 1. What does Obama talk about perfecting at the beginning of the speech?It moves forward to perfect the task of unifying this country. His words refer to the big American family that stands more and more together.2. We have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America, the best is yet to come.3. Why does he say, “By the way, we have to fix that” at about 4:40? That was a joke about the long lines in front of the polling places. A lot of people had to wait for half an hour or more than an hour until it was their turn to vote.4. Whether you pounded at the pavement or picked up the phone.5. What does first phrasal verb in question 5 mean? Maybe to stay a very long time outside at the pavement?!6. I have always believed tha t hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insits, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us.7. What do you think of the elections? What do you think they mean for your country?Im very happy that Obama has won the elections. I like his and the ideas of his party more than the republicans. He seems to be more openminded and liberal. And I have the hope that he will finish the military activities in Afganistan. That would be great for Germany as well. LOIEnglish MelanieThank you for your great answers. 4. pounded the pavementwe dont use at in this expression. The meaning is to walk/work on the streets. Police often pound the pavement in their district. Meaning they are out of their cars walking and talking to people. EnriquePMartin 1. He talks about perfecting the union of the country.2. picked up; found back; best; yet; come3. the long queues which are formed for voting4. put on (?); pick up5. pick up the phone means take it to answer the call6. (?)7. It is a critical moment for the future of the country, nevertheless I think too much unnecessary money is spent; In my country, where some decades ago people where living under a dictatorial regime, the elections represent the celebration of the democracy. LOIEnglish Enrique thank you.Question 4 is: pounded the pavement or picked up the phone. To pound the pavement means to be walking and working in the streets. Some sales people pound the pavement in order to sell their product. This means they walk up and down the streets talking to people at their houses trying to persuade them to buy their product.6. I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insits, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us.Thank you for answering.

Listening Exercise The Fish That Make Islands.

Listening Exercise The Fish That Make Islands. As you may have noticed, I love David Attenborough documentaries. You can practice your English listening skills with his science based videos. He is so wise, that he must know every animal that lives on Earth!  Today, we are going to look at a  fish that needs a dentist and makes islands, the Humphead Parrotfish.  So what are you waiting for?  Go ahead and listen to some interesting facts, and then we can practice your listening skills to see if you can one day become so good at English that you sound like Mr. Attenborough himself!Your  first step to  speaking  like David Attenborough is a little difficult.  Lets look at the word so.  To express that the quality the noun has effects something or someone we can use the word so.  Lets look at these examples:noun+ to be (conjugated) + so + adjective + that + resultThe race was so long that I couldnt finish.She ate so much food that she became ill.Now, try to complete the sentence that Mr. Attenborough said in the video:Their jaws are so ________, they can bite through _________.Can you think of a sentence which follows the same structure?  Write your answer in the comment section.What can Parrotfish produce tonnes (or tons)  of every year?The rock  and coral  they swallow, emerges later as a fine _______.Tonnes  can also be used to replace the quantifier a lot of in informal English.  Lets have a look at some sentences:I have  tonnes  of homework to do.  Im not sure I will finish it all before class tomorrow.There are  tonnes  of people at the football match.Do you have tonnes of homework?  Can you think of something else that you have  tonnes of?I have  tonnes of  __________.What happens  over time  in the video?Over time  the sand ______ ___ to form an _______, which is then colonized by animals and plants.Over time  is an adverb that  means gradually.  Can you think of something else that  builds up  over time? Write your answers in the comment section, and well respond.  If you want to build up you r English to David Attenborough levels, book a class with us today!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top 5 ESL Classroom Aids To Get You Out of Teaching Jams

Top 5 ESL Classroom Aids To Get You Out of Teaching Jams By Adrian PalinicInternational ESL teachers have to be adaptable.   It simply comes with the territory of traveling to far off lands.   No matter where you teach, you’ll have to adapt whatever resources are available to suit your teaching style.   But what if resources are lacking?   What if the school where you’re teaching  hasn’t  given you clear direction on what to teach?   Here’s a list of classroom aids, adaptable to all levels, that any ESL teacher can pack and use in their next teaching jam:1 â€" Flashcards  - These can be adapted to suit any level and target language.  I found it useful to carry around a set of verb flashcards for words like  run, write, open, close, jump, etc., with funny images on each to represent the action.  These came in useful when teaching younger learners.  With a few rounds of repetition and a couple of  Simon Says  games, I quickly had classes of kids understanding basic classroom commands like  â€œOpen your book.”   The cards can als o be adapted to work with older students.  Make a game of it and have students make sentences with the verbs, or ask for a list of synonyms from more advanced students.2 â€" Music  â€" It may be easiest to make a playlist of music from YouTube or a similar online resource.  Pull up the playlist in class, play a song and imagine all the possible teaching activities!  Use simpler, slower songs to get your younger students to listen for a keyword or two.  See who can hear the word first!  Have more advanced students pick out words from songs sung in different English accents.  See if students can guess the next lyric.  Students love to listen to new music, especially if it’s upbeat and easy to understand.3 â€" Movies -  I’m not saying you should sit the class down and watch  The Shawshank Redemption,  but showing short movie clips focusing on key grammar points can be valuable classroom aids for any ESL class.  Again, if you don’t have movies immediately available to you, YouTube may be your best friend.  Do a little research and make playlists you can pull up in class.  Different playlists can focus on different grammar points, accents, idioms, or songs, or they might simply add a visual to a children’s counting activity.4 â€" Books and Newspapers -  Younger students will be intrigued by English storybooks for children â€" especially if they have big, bright illustrations.  In many cases, illustration styles might differ from what students would usually see in their own storybooks.  For older students, even a newspaper from your hometown can be put to great use.  Lower level students can work with the newspaper’s pictures and captions, while more advanced students can search for different uses of a verb or idiom, develop a story of their own, or simply discuss a newsworthy issue.5 â€" Pictures -  As you’ll likely be relatively unfamiliar with the culture within the country where you’ll be teaching, it’s just as likely students will b e unfamiliar with your background.  Bring some pictures that remind you of home.  Sharing these in class will show students a little bit more about you and where you’re from.  Pictures can be used at any time, and can be applied to almost any language level and grammar point.  Younger students can count items in the pictures, while older students can develop a story based on the photos.Bonus â€" A Video Camera -  Okay, here’s one more essential ESL classroom aid that will save you when in a teaching jam.  Turn any grammar point into a dramatic event.  Video cameras inspire an immediate sense of excitement (and sometimes fear). Nowadays, with high quality cell-phone video cameras, any teacher can transform a simple dialogue activity into a dramatic scene.  Set some ground rules and ensure students only use English for their scene.  Near the end of class, gather the students to review everyone’s videos.Before going abroad to teach, prepare the items in this list to ensur e you can handle any stressful teaching situation.  Because who needs additional stress while teaching in a new country?  Now you’ll have more time to relax and enjoy your new surroundings.

Kumon Staff Pick Were Going on a Bear Hunt

Kumon Staff Pick Were Going on a Bear Hunt Kumon Staff Pick: Were Going on a Bear Hunt RRL Title: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen Grade/Kumon Level of Book: Pre-K-2/5A-10 (RAL) 3A-6 Why do you personally enjoy this book? We’re Going on a Bear Hunt is one of my favorite children’s books. It is a fun story about a family adventure that reminds me of the “hunting” I did as a child. Providing a subtle bit of symbolism, the illustrations are black and white when describing each new obstacleâ€"reminding us of the unknownâ€"but then change to color once the obstacle is overcome. It’s fun to actually think about what would happen if our pretend adventures came true! Why do you think students would enjoy this book? Most students, at one time or another, have pretended that they are on an adventure. In this story the whole family, and their dog, venture out to look for a bear. They run into obstructions along the way and discuss how they will continue. Making the sounds as they pass through each obstacle involves the senses, as readers demonstrate the noises made if they were walking through mud, tall grass, or a snowstorm in real life. The repetition also makes the story more like a poem or song, and prereaders may feel as if they are truly reading the story since it’s easy to memorize. The suspense that builds can also be fun and engaging for young students as they consider what will happen next. At the end, when they actually meet the bear, it’s fun to read quickly as the family returns through all the barriers once again to the safety of their bed covers. What skills and/or values might students gain by reading this book? Students learn about the challenge of decision making each time the family encounters a new obstacle. They also are able to see the importance of sticking together, as both a family and a team, in order to face fears and conquer hurdles when setting out to accomplish something. In addition, this journey can work to develop their creative imagination as they wonder what will come next during this bear-hunt adventure. You might also be interested in: Kumon Staff Pick: My Father’s Dragon Kumon Staff Pick: The Snowy Day Kumon Staff Pick: Clown by Quentin Blake Kumon Staff Pick: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Kumon Staff Pick Were Going on a Bear Hunt Kumon Staff Pick: Were Going on a Bear Hunt RRL Title: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen Grade/Kumon Level of Book: Pre-K-2/5A-10 (RAL) 3A-6 Why do you personally enjoy this book? We’re Going on a Bear Hunt is one of my favorite children’s books. It is a fun story about a family adventure that reminds me of the “hunting” I did as a child. Providing a subtle bit of symbolism, the illustrations are black and white when describing each new obstacleâ€"reminding us of the unknownâ€"but then change to color once the obstacle is overcome. It’s fun to actually think about what would happen if our pretend adventures came true! Why do you think students would enjoy this book? Most students, at one time or another, have pretended that they are on an adventure. In this story the whole family, and their dog, venture out to look for a bear. They run into obstructions along the way and discuss how they will continue. Making the sounds as they pass through each obstacle involves the senses, as readers demonstrate the noises made if they were walking through mud, tall grass, or a snowstorm in real life. The repetition also makes the story more like a poem or song, and prereaders may feel as if they are truly reading the story since it’s easy to memorize. The suspense that builds can also be fun and engaging for young students as they consider what will happen next. At the end, when they actually meet the bear, it’s fun to read quickly as the family returns through all the barriers once again to the safety of their bed covers. What skills and/or values might students gain by reading this book? Students learn about the challenge of decision making each time the family encounters a new obstacle. They also are able to see the importance of sticking together, as both a family and a team, in order to face fears and conquer hurdles when setting out to accomplish something. In addition, this journey can work to develop their creative imagination as they wonder what will come next during this bear-hunt adventure. You might also be interested in: Kumon Staff Pick: My Father’s Dragon Kumon Staff Pick: The Snowy Day Kumon Staff Pick: Clown by Quentin Blake Kumon Staff Pick: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

5 Most Effective Techniques for Learning Without Memorizing

5 Most Effective Techniques for Learning Without Memorizing Learning is a perplexed and consequential process. If you are involved in many various activities, your brain generates peculiar details of given information. We therefore can state that your capacity is sophisticated with accumulation of knowledge. When you are trying to remember the text, the cerebrum can not keep up the huge amount of information. Moreover, memorizing activity is an intense mental activity. Sometimes a person can even deal with the problem of forgetting the plain text forms. In this case we can facilitate mental work by connecting similar ideas and associations. You can easily make logical chains from things you already know. The psychologists and neuroscientists assert that this the passive form of perception. The passive learning can be both entertaining and intellectually productive. The main advantage is that you can combine natural aspect of thing (how it sounds and how it looks like) and your own representation. Here are the most effective techniques that you can use for learning material without memorizing: 1) Visualization process. Usually it uses the power of your imagination. The absolutely new concept can be reached by creating visual forms. For example, you can connect abstract ideas and forms into one mental picture. This means that one episode from your experience may appear in completely new image. For students who do not use visual system for memorizing, this strategy can be achieved by auditory or somatosensory perception. For example, sound, taste or smell image creates a particular concept. 2) Simplifying technique. This method for learning without memorizing is considered to be one of the most effective. It is based on the explaining the particular concept using the simplified lexicon. You can imagine the situation when you are supposed to describe or explain the idea to children or pupils. It usually helps to underline the concrete facts rather than abstract information. 3) Metaphorical images. Metaphors are great instruments for memorizing process. The key point is that you can combine the already known text forms with completely new images. It can help you to accept and analyze the new information more quickly. For example, if we are talking about global political issues we can correlate it with the experience from your own social activity. 4) Graphic images.  Creating of different kinds of diagrams, schemes and tables is a productive way for establishing connections between the various things. Moreover, this type of memorizing technique develops your own vision on the text material because you make logical operations during the information systematization. For example, when you are studying American history outline, you can create a table based on time line, political/social life etc. Such graphic image will show the differences and similarities between the periods. 5) Group learning. This method works as a kind of brainstorming. It appears when several people share their opinions or explanations regarding a specific topic. The members of a group therefore can make connections between the same facts and remember the subject itself. We have listed the best techniques for easy and productive perception of text information. You can choose the most appropriate way of learning without memorizing for you and start working with it. You should understand that you need try at least a couple of them. We hope that they will be useful in your studying and work. If you have some difficulties with learning and memorizing the information in various subjects, do not hesitate to visit TutorZ  to find the most qualified tutors. Our tutors make strong emphasis on memory training exercises.

Firstleap school

Firstleap school Firstleap school First Leap, established in Beijing in 2009, is already flourishing and expanding across China. Created to provide much-needed quality afterschool English training for children aged 2 â€" 12 years old, in a fun, motivating and entirely English speaking environment. Rather than teaching English as a subject, we teach different subjects in English, a method based on and incorporating several educational theories. Our curriculum is not only already developed, but each lesson has been pre-prepared and tested. Our classrooms feature smart board technology, a limit of just 10 students per class and a Chinese teaching assistant. Beyond the classroom, First Leap is the perfect opportunity to explore a foreign land and culture while maintaining a fulfilling and exciting job. Come to China to learn a new language, experience a new culture, taste a new cuisine, meet new people, improve your teaching ability or just spice up your life. When you join First Leap you join a community of almost one hundred other international teachers, as well as thousands of Chinese co-workers, all ready to support you, both in the workplace and out as you adjust to life in China. Interested? Contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to our team.